Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Abdulwadud was bit hard to handle the last few weeks :)
Very defiant behavior. Not listening, always arguing.
Favorite word : STINKY :) ( i know it could be a lot worse)

The problem is that anyone that comes over these days is named : "Stinky" something or other...
He is adorable though :) I found that rather then constantly getting upset with him, talking to him at his level is the best thing. Actually getting down to his eyesight, looking at him in the eye and explaining nicely why what he is saying is not nice, works the best.

He usually says : Hurray Hurray,
now he says.. HUR_STINKY :)

Little brother is not far behind.... :)

But I know these things are a phase and inshaAllah he will grow out of it.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Mommy and The TWINS (not_really_Twins) :)
[2 boys Abdulwadud 3.5 years and Mustafa 2 years]

Next Year:

A bit worried about the kids schooling next year.
I do not want to send them to public school, neither does Omar.
I refuse to have them learn in an environment where there is little or no mention of our Creator.

Homeschooling is looking like our best alternative. There are so many benefits of homeschooling that we can not deny them. Omar has been encouraging me for quite some time to learn more about Homeschooling.
Working on buiding a homeschooling community here in Waterloo.
There are many good people here. Great families and very close friends.
We put our heads together, inshaAllah we will find a way :)