Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Day in the Life of...

Mustafa(2) and Abdulwadud(3.75 years old):

(putting Mustafa to bed for one hour)
Mustafa: " I want doo do Mamma" (Doo doo is milk)
Mommy: " Your all done Doo doo honey"
Mustafa: "Maama, maamaa..."(pouty adorable face) "Baba?.. Baba?"
(he keeps asking where is Baba.. and is soo sad..)
(Later in the day, Baba comes home..Mustafa takes me by the hand to the kitchen and points to a glass)
Mustafa:" Baba"
(he wants to take water for Baba:) -- Of course big brother grabs the water at the pass and reaches Baba first!)

Abdulwadud: "I'm sad I miss Dada" (His Grandpa in Saudi Arabia)
Abdulwadud:"I'm sad I miss Puppo" (His Aunt in Waterloo)
Mustafa: (Comes running holding his diaper) "Poopoo , maama , Poopoo"
Mommy:"did you do Poopoo honey?"
Abdulwadud:" No , he is saying he misses Puppo! "

(on the phone with my mom)
Mommy: "Abdulwadud please talk to Nano. Say Salaam.(he is running away) Mommy will not take you to Oakville."
Abdulwadud: (in a taunting.. naughty voice...) "Of course you will!"
(finally talks to Nano and Nana(Grandpa) on the phone)
AW: "Mama, Nana says he has a CD for me and I can watch 51 Cartoons!"

(Abdulwadud is in his room for a time out)
Mommy : "Where is Mustafa Abdulwadud. "
Abdulwadud: "He came into my room. He sat in the tent with his toy. I said 'Mustafa, how are you? how is your work going? how is your family?' "

Baba: Says something to Abdulwadud about not throwing his toy.
Abdulwadud: "Babi...your kidding and I'm serious."

Abdulwadud:" Mommy do you know Sura Nas is a long Sura!"
Abdulwadud: "Did you hear Mustafa. He's so cute. He said No!"
Abdulwadud: " Why is the dinosaur namedid... Allosaurus?...Momma the man said Allosaur.. not Allosaurus."

(Still stuck to 'Stinky'... Now I think ignoring him is the only way...)
He heard "I like to move it move it" from the movie Madagascar
Abdulwadud: "I like to Stink it, Stink it. "

Abdulwadud: "I'm so dumb"
Mommy:" No honey you shouldn't say that. You are not dumb"
Abdulwadud:"Yes I am. You say that mommy. You say 'Im so dumb' "
(can i believe it! He is right. )

(Bedtime. Boys are jumping on my bed)
Mommy: "Okay honey, time to go to your room, Baba will read you a story there.... "
Abdulwadud: (Still jumping on the bed) "NO.. I'm Never Not going to my room!"
(omar and I just look at each other... 'where did we go wrong!' )

Naughty things aside--- they are really wonderful too :) -- yes yes I am the mommy after all!
Allhamdulillah :)