Saturday, February 07, 2009


JAN 2009
WOW mashaAllah so much has happend :)

NEW BROTHER is here mashaAllah little Abu Bakr

He is now about 5 months. He loves his older two brothers and
they really love him too mashaAllah.
Honestly, they get home from school and just attack him. Mustafa
does not give him room to breathe.

Abdulwadud is a good babysitter mashaAllah, while I am in the kitchen.
They reeally love him but sort of OVER love him..
the funniest thing is when I pretend to talk like Abu Bakr

such as " OHww MY BRODDERS do not leave me alone. OHW save me Mommy from my Brodders "

The boys think for real 100% that it is Abu Bakr talking and they get offended at him and say,
"We do not like you anyways Abu Bakr" or "You are a brat " or "Rodent! "

Its so funny.
A few things with the older two mashaAllah:

Abdulwadud just turned 7 MashaAllah he has been praying with Baba , almost always 5 times a day for the last 5 months. It is from Allah. I really can not believe it.
Of course at this point it is about the habbit. I see him scratching himself all over his body during salah, and fidgitting like anyway possible... even puts his finger to his mouth to sah "SHHH"
during saalah but ,, thats okay :) I am soo proud of him.
He has a good friend at school, the Imam's son YUSHA so they give each other
good influence mashaAllah.

Mustafa is full day at Al Manar too this year. He loves it. The question is do they love him?
Its so funny but they do. Even though he is naughty he is much much better now
Now mashaAllah he is really trying , he loves to Please people and get treats so he
loves to Please his teachers.

"SHAK Hussein", as he says (Sheikh Hussien) loves him too.
Anything bad happens at school Mustafa says "Hasshim did this and this today and that and that"
Then i find out it is really MUSTAFA doing these things.

Poor Hashim went to a new school, but Mustafa still comes home and says "Hashim through out my lunch"
AND the funniest,
he said the other day " UNUS Took a black marker and wrote all over SARAH"
and then i found out it was really Mustafa that did this.
yes we have sent many "sorry " letters and gifts for practically his whole class, and his

But his personality is SOOO Lovable. we can not help but adore him mashaAllah.

The Biggest and Best news of the New Year is that
Baba (Omar) has done WONDERS with the boys.

They do not listen to me as well as they listen to him.
So , i basically deal with them when they are young and then
Baba takes them :) they go to the Mens side of the Masjid,
the Mens washroom, everything with the Men and with Daddy :)
MashaAllah they are really wonderfull.
Omar loves kids :)
and he has really learned to deal with them well.

I still have a lot to learn :)
Maybe we will let Abu Bakr grows up a bit and whatever Allah(SWT) Wills.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More IN March and April of 2007

mashaAllah MashaAllah kids are wonderful.
They are 31/2 and 5 1/2 mashaAllah.
Abdulwadud has been going to ALmanar for the past year.
Now the last two months of the year the boys are together in one School.
Mrs Nasneen and only 5 kids in total make is a great learning environment mashaAllah.

I loved Homeschooling AW this year, and I pray I can continue this in the coming years, at least on a half time basis for both kids. I want them to experience some schooling inshaAllah in a good environment.

Mustafa: If he has some candy and he does not want brother to have it:

In a taunting naughty voice "It has nuts in it..."
His brother little Abdulwadud is very allergic to nuts.

Latest Embarassment or I should say Harassment

May 2007:

Yesterday one of the neighbours and her young son came over for a bit, close to the boys bed time and they were quite Wired and Hyper
They get really out of control with company :) Yes ...

*The Neighbour says:" Is he always like this" Meaning Mustafa?

I said "not so much so, but yes when people are over, they are out of control"

*Her son said "Mommy was I like that?" She said "Yes" He said,, "I am soo sorrry"

*Next, she bends over a bit and Mustafa touches her back, I didnt see this.
Then he tells me.. what he did,
Then I said "Mustafa say sorry to Anty". He says "Im sorry for touching You Bum Bum"..

She, poor nice thing, just ignores him and sort of laughs.

I am utterly embarrassed and at times like that, I just go in a corner and have to Laugh.....

Omar was not home, or I don't know .. maybe we would have laughed together.

Then I try to be strict with the boys and take them up to bed :)


Friday, November 24, 2006

2006 in REVIEW :

The BOYS mashaALlah have grown up so much in this past year.
A few brief events of 2006:

March - June
Abdulwadud's Montessori with his dear first teacher Amaal Juma, ended in June 2006.
She was a wonderful blessing, and her Islamic Montessori will always be fondly remembered in our hearts.

April 2006
Dadda from Saudi Arabia came to visit. Boys had a great time mashaAllah.
They are really close to their grandparents even if they are overseas. Allhamdulillah this is a great blessing to have so much family.

Famous Sayings:
Mustafa is taking a lot more
after he stopped saying 'shut up ' and 'stupid', he has grown into a great vocabulary- Allhamdulillah. Do not ask me where he learns these words- Honest ... we just get so shocked when he says it, that he knows he must continue!! Very very naughty

3 years and 4 months.
I said tell Daddi that you saw the new Birds , he says "I saw the stinky birds.."
I said.. tell Nano you are coming to Oakville, he says "I am coming to your stinky house"
And he says it in a Daunting naughty way.. that you know he is just mischevious!

Abdulwadud mashaAllah is GREAT, his homeschooling half days are going very very well mashaAllah. But he is too much sometimes in terms of , his little phrases that are so cute.

He says "Mustafa I hate you"
I said "Abdulwadud Say that Again..." [I am so silly I meant of course to TRY THAT AGAIN"
he says in a really MAD voice
"But MAMA why do you want me to say it again if it is BAD?"

Puppo has two New budgies (Birds) and Mustafa clearly treats them like toys.. its as if he thinks they are play things.
He was talking to Baba"
"baba, i want to kill the budgies"
Baba "Why Mustafa they are your friends. they are birds"
Mustafa: "Baba are the budgie's real? "
Baba " Yes Mustafa, they are"
Mustafa: "NO there noT!!"

Friday, February 24, 2006

Over the Years

Monday, February 13, 2006

more on the Twins....

AW: Mommy can i ask you a Flavour?

Mustafa:(showing around people whenever they come over) "Dats my room...."

AW: (Gleeming with excitement) When i am 6 years old can i have a library card like Muhammad? (his friend)
Baba: You can have TWO library cards!

Abdulwadud: How does Mustafa's name go? (he means how is it spelled)

-------------- 4 years old --------------------

AW: Mustafa, today I am 4 and you are 2.

Abdulwadud knows that we have parties for EID :)

At the hair dressers: I told her that Abdulwadud was four years old today.
She asks "Oh are you going to have a big birthday party"
He says quite frankly "no birthdays ".

My parents in Oakville and AW's Mamoo and Khala had a "party" for him. Even at the party he says " Thank you Allah for my EID Party " :) So we come back to Waterlooo and AW's friends ask : "When is your party Abdulwadud?"
Abdulwadud: "my Party passed. it was at my Grandma's. Her name is Nano ". And the kids are left with Frowns...
I say: "That's okay kids we are going to have you over tomorrow inshaAllah"

The next day we had a kids gathering for Abdulwadud, Mustafa and the montessori friends. It was suppose to be very simple, games and cakes and sweets :) But Pupppo and Asad Chacha(Abdulwadud's Aunt and Uncle) had secret plans and ordered a surprise clown! (yes I know.. mashaAllah... LOTS OF Love from the families mashaAllah mashaAllah. Even though Asad is all the way in SAUDI ARABIA)

Abdulwadud: (to his uncle(Asad Chacha) and Dadda(Grandpa) on the phone) "Thank you for the clown...Yeah, we liked the clown, now she has gone back to clown town. Next time can i have more ten clowns?"

City Bus Trip: (The Trip was the City Bus)
We went on a City Bus Trip with the boys and PUPPO :) She showed us around, and helped us:) The boys LOVED IT mashaAllah. They LOVE Buses. Puppo was so funny :) I could be on a bus a million times but I still would not know where to get off. When catching the bus to return home, the boys starting running and running... it was adorable mashaAllah.
Even Mustafa "Bash.. bash... " and he was running and pointing to the bus. When we came home, he runs to Baba.... "Baba.. Bash.. Bash....". I will post pictures of the event :)

Abdulwadud: (to his Uncle(Rashid Mamoo) on the phone) "Can we have pizza and cakes. Two cakes,...."
Mustafa Runs up next and grabs the phone...: "MammO. Peepa? Ake? " ( he is trying to ask for the same things his brother asked for-pizza and cake)

Mustafa started Preschool (its actually a Play school, 2 hours twice a week :) )
HE LOVES IT mashaAllah. He runs in.. "Bye bye Mama, (and closes the door on me)"
He received all these little cards from other two year olds like him...
When i drop him off he is wearing his little Snowsuit and they all look like little Michelin Tire Babies. MashaAllah. He loves being with other kids, especially since Bhi gets to go to Montessori.
I ask: "Mustafa do you want to go to Schoool:" "YEAH"

The kids were sick last week .. But Allhamdulillah they are all better..
One morning Omar (after talking to TELEHealth on the telephone) takes the kids into the bathroom to breathe in the shower Mist.
Abdulwadud.. "Baba is the doctor's office open? " (it was closed when we went the day before)
Omar(Baba) " Yes Abdulwadud. Pray to Allah, and you will get better inshaAllah soon. Besides...Baba is your doctor today..." :)
Abdulwadud RUNS to Mustafa...(holds him by the shoulders) "Mustafa did you hear...
Baba is our doctor today. He is going to Fix us! Mustafa did you hear me?"
(it was too cute mashaAllah )
Later that day.. Baba did take the boys to the doctor again! :)

One of Abdulwadud's little four year old friends " Abdulwadud when we grow up we can be married. I will be the momma and you will be the Baba"...
Abdulwadud: "and we can have kids "
Then he remembers his promise..
Abdulwadud: "But I am going to marry Yusra and Yusra is going to marry me " (his teacher's daugher! )
Little Girl " But who will marry me?"
Momma finally steps in: "Dont worry honey there will be lots of good Muslim Brothers to marrry you... And right now we are too young to think about all of this. You are still kids... right?"
They both smile and are SHY all of a sudden when they realize they were being overheard !

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Kids Update

I do not get a chance to post too often now-a-days :)
but... a few cute things I wanted to add.
Baba came home with a new gift.
I overheard his conversation with Abdulwadud.

Baba: "Abdulwadud let me show you my new bonsai tree. It was a gift"
Abdulwadud: (With GLEE, he can barely contain himself) "BABA you got a new gift for ME??"
Baba: "No, its for me" :)
Now they both go to visit the tree in the window together... :)

Abdulwadud: "Baba, when i grow up Im going to be a BIG Boy and Im going to be a Ninja and a Sufa...and Im going to fight all of my emimies and my Nafs!"

Abdulwadud: "Im a Ninja, IM a soldier and i told ya" (hmm where did he get this from Baba? )
(big brother did something to poor little Mustafa)
Mama: "Mustafa what happend, Can you tell me what happend?"
Mustafa: (quiet)
Abdulwadud: " Mustafa, mama is talking to you, you shouldn't idnore her!"

Abdulwadud, mashaAllah, is growing to be much more responsible and good :) Allhamdulillah.
Mustafa is following him EVERYWHERE. Wants to do everything like Bhi.
They wrestle and play mashaAllah very well together. Ofcourse we often have to pull them apart. Lots of Energy! Especially when they are together!
They stayed overnight with PUPPO! They had a wonderful wonderful time mashaAllah.
I was so worried. I knew they were in Good hands Allhamdulillah. But i was worried they would tire out Puppo! They have a way of doing that to people :) But she was great masshaAllah! A Natural.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Three Musketeers :)....

These are our most recent pics....of EID in OAKVILLE

My daddy is not a musketeer!